The dark truth about the founder of Telegram.

Saturday, Oct. 05, 20:45h
By TN Agency

Durov's life is cloaked in an idealized image. However, his ex-lover has exposed a life of luxury, abuse, and failure to provide child support.


Pavel Durov, the founder and CEO of Telegram, has long been known for his image as a principled and powerful entrepreneur. His messaging app, Telegram, has become one of the most popular platforms globally, boasting millions of users thanks to its commitment to security and privacy.

However, few are aware that behind this success lies a complex life with his ex-lover, Irina Bolgar.

Lawsuit after lawsuit

According to Bolgar, her relationship with Durov lasted nearly a decade. During that time, they lived an astonishingly luxurious lifestyle. The couple reportedly spent $1 million each summer to rent a sprawling 469,000-square-meter resort in Sardinia, Italy.

They owned a beachfront penthouse in Dubai with a private elevator and frequently traveled by private jet to Paris, Monaco, and many other lavish destinations. All of this is just a part of the picture of the regal life they shared together.


A Complex Life

However, according to Bolgar, Durov began to change over time. From a principled man she once admired, he transformed into a controlling and abusive figure. In the criminal complaint Bolgar filed in Switzerland, she alleged that Durov physically abused their youngest son five times in 2021 and 2022.

On one occasion, he hit the child on the back, causing him to fly away. On another, he shook the boy so violently that his shoes fell off. He even grabbed the child's legs and threatened to kill him.

These details have been documented in legal filings. A spokesperson for Durov denied the allegations, asserting that the incidents Bolgar mentioned "never happened" and that the accusations are "baseless."

Prosecution and Financial Responsibilities

According to the New York Times, Durov is currently facing prosecution in France for illegal content on Telegram. He is accused of facilitating the spread of materials related to child abuse, drug trafficking, and fraud. The founder of Telegram could face many years in prison if convicted.

Adding to the complications, Bolgar also accused Durov of failing to meet his financial responsibilities to their children. According to documents related to the criminal complaint, Durov has not paid child support. This means that even if he finds a way to overcome the charges in France, he will still face legal issues elsewhere.

A Lesser-Known Life

Bolgar's story has unveiled the lesser-known life of Durov. Always keeping his private life under wraps, he is one of the most powerful figures in the tech industry but remains relatively unknown to the public, the New York Times noted.

Austere Image vs. Lavish Lifestyle

Bolgar described Durov as a two-faced man. He always presents himself as a defender of free speech, but in private, he is entirely different. "Durov's image as a defender of freedom crumbled when you see his private life. It shows the stark contrast between his public words and his actual actions," she said.

A spokesperson for Durov stated that Bolgar and he "were never a couple." She allegedly misused the millions of dollars he provided in child support. She spent extravagantly on luxury items and expensive travel.

"Durov has several children and supports each with $10,000 a month. He hopes the Swiss justice system will clarify the truth so that this money is used for its intended purpose: to support the children,” the spokesperson said.

Durov has long been known for his austere lifestyle. However, according to Bolgar, he enjoys a lavish life. Durov once sent her a message about staying in a $20,000-a-night hotel in Dubai and boasted about the enormous sums he earned from Bitcoin.

“I can do that because I made tens of millions of dollars easily from Bitcoin,” Durov wrote in the message.


Moreover, he is very concerned about his image, always obsessed with maintaining his physique and often taking photos with models in swimsuits to post on social media. He once messaged her: "Come see how the people on the Forbes rich list live.”

However, their relationship began to deteriorate in 2021 when Durov became aggressive and started exhibiting abusive behaviors towards their children. Bolgar stated that he began to control and threaten her, even threatening to cut off all financial support if she did not comply with his demands. After enduring this for a long time, she decided to file a criminal complaint against Durov in March 2023.

Bolgar also provided substantial evidence of their relationship, including invoices for lavish vacations and notarized documents committing to financial support of up to €150,000 per month. Accompanying this were numerous photos of them together, from smiling on private jets, celebrating birthdays, to traveling around places like Italy, Russia, and the United Arab Emirates.

When Bolgar publicly accused him, Durov claimed he is the father of over 100 children worldwide due to being a sperm donor. Bolgar immediately responded by posting a picture with their children, emphasizing: "We must always take responsibility for our children. That is the difference between a sperm donor and a father.”